OK, so we don’t really send what you might call a “yellow” letter to sellers. The typical yellow letter strategy is not consistent with the WeBuyHouses.com brand strategy. But we do like to send letters to certain groups, where a personal touch or longer explanation (than a postcard) is appropriate. And we have a great new letter series for We Buy Houses licensees.
Our variable-print, full-bleed letters have a yellow gradient, watermark in the background, and a prominently displayed logo in the header and toll-free number banner at the bottom. They come in 4 different versions and are prepopulated with text that you can use, edit, or replace with your own text. You can also use VARIABLES from your mailing list (such as the seller’s first name or the property address) in your letter text.
Here are 2 of the variations – this first one features your photo and contact info in the footer:
And this one includes the images from our Any House Any Condition postcard campaign:
These letters are NOW AVAILABLE in our Fulfillment Center. Licensees can customize and order them, or we’re happy to assist in designing and executing your campaign using these attractive & flexible new marketing pieces.