Car magnets turn your car or truck into a rolling billboard. But, to be honest, we’ve never gotten a lot of calls from car magnets. However, that may not be the best reason to use them. Think about the brand experience of someone contacting We Buy Houses® (YOU) after seeing a postcard or letter; you arrive at their house in a vehicle that says We Buy Houses® on it, and then you make them an offer and give them your We Buy Houses® business card. In this scenario, the large car magnets on your doors are an important part of that brand experience.
Here’s our 12″x18″ CAR MAGNET DESIGN:

This car magnet design carries over the same look as your business card and other assets such as postcards & door hangers. YOUR LOCAL NUMBER is inserted in the yellow band at the bottom, so that anyone who sees your car magnets and calls you will be your exclusive lead, regardless of the property address.
VENDORS offers 12″x18″ car magnets at a retail price around $25/each. But once you create an account at, they will send you SALE emails. We recently got a 30% OFF for 3 Days email from them and scored 12″x18″ car magnets for $17 each with FREE SHIPPING! They make a decent product for that price, but we’ve seen some better products (better reproduction of the image) from other vendors. You can find quite a few car magnet vendors locally or on the Internet.

We recently ordered more car magnets from and noticed that they now put a border around it, and this one also seemed to be a better, clearer image:
Vistaprint currently has competitive pricing on car magnets. Let us know if you need assistance setting your local phone number into the graphic. Once you have that, you just upload it to Vistaprint ~
Click on the link below to download the PDF file of the BLANK Car Magnet (with no phone number). A local printer such as FastSigns can make car magnets for you using this template – they can put your local phone number on the sign. If you need assistance, just let us know and we will produce a COMPLETED Car Magnet (with your local number on it) for you.
Bumper stickers are a great way of having the brand on your vehicle. Here is an example of a bumper sticker:
The advantage to a bumper sticker is that it’s on the back of the vehicle, and more visible to drivers behind you, compared to a car magnet on the side of the car.
This is an old design, but check out these bumper sticker-sized (3″x10″) car magnets that we have on the back of our cars. We like these because people behind us in traffic/at stoplights see them. And the cool thing about these is they were only $6 a piece in a quantity of just 5 from